Terrorism Threat Level

National Security Hotline

1800 123 400

If it doesn't add up, speak up.​​

National Security Campaign

​​The N​ational Security Campaign, ‘If it doesn’t add up, speak up’, encourages all Australians to report suspicious activity to the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400. Everyone can play a part by reporting anything suspicious to the Hotline. Calls to the Hotline have already contributed to investigations and initiated new ones.

The public plays a major role in providing information to law enforcement and intelligence agencies charged with protecting the community and it is important that we keep that information flowing. Callers provide information on the use of websites or social media platforms promoting violent extremist ideology, suspicious travel planning, and reports from people concerned that someone they know is becoming radicalised towards violent extremism.

Even if you think it’s probably nothing, the smallest piece of information can be valuable.

The National Security Hotline can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1800 123​ 400. See ​Report suspicious behaviour for more information​.