Australia's Counter-Terrorism Strategy and National Counter-Terrorism Plan ensure that Australia is one step ahead of terrorist acts.
A Safer Australia – Australia’s Counter-Terrorism and Violent Extremism Strategy
A Safer Australia – Australia’s Counter-Terrorism and Violent Extremism Strategy 2025 (the Strategy), outlines what the Australian Government is doing to safeguard Australians and Australian interests from terrorism and violent extremism.
The Strategy details the changes to the terrorist threat environment since 2022. This includes the raising of the National Terrorism Threat Level to ‘PROBABLE’, and outlines the key challenges faced domestically, and globally.
More than ever, there is a need for a flexible whole-of-nation response to support and strengthen communities, ensuring Australia remains a safe place for everyone. We can achieve this through a shared understanding of what terrorism and violent extremism are and what we can do to prevent individuals from resorting to violence to advance their cause.
The Government is committed to keeping Australians safe and will continue to review and evolve our approach to meet the changing demands.
A Safer Australia – Australia’s Counter-Terrorism and Violent Extremism Strategy (English)
A Safer Australia – Factsheet
The Strategy Factsheet provides a summary of what the Government is doing to safeguard Australians and Australian interests from terrorism and violent extremism. The Factsheet is an informative document that outlines key terms and provides information and resources for the public.
A Safer Australia – Australia’s Counter-Terrorism and Violent Extremism Strategy Factsheet (English)
National Counter-Terrorism Plan
Australia's Counter-Terrorism Strategy is supported by a National Counter-Terrorism Plan (the Plan). The Plan outlines how we all must face the challenge of terrorism together. The Plan sets out the ways Australia prepares for, responds to, investigates and recovers from terrorist acts.
Read the National Counter - Terrorism Plan
Previous Counter-Terrorism Strategies